It Takes A Village
It’s funny sometimes, the direction life takes you.
Growing up, I always heard the term - it takes a village. Honestly, it held very little meaning at that time, but as I became a parent and failed my way forward through life, there were so many in my Village I relied on time and time again.
Soon after the birth of my oldest daughter, I picked up my first semi professional camera. I never intended to take photos of anyone other than my daughter and the events in our life.
But again, life’s funny sometimes.
I started sharing my work on Facebook, mostly showing off my little one- her growth, life, beauty. Soon that same Village was asking me to help them freeze time, to remember a moment, an age, a celebration.
And that's how it happened. My Village encouraged, inspired, and lead me in a direction I would have never lead myself.
It’s been 9 years now and I can’t imagine my life looking any different. My Village now grows a little larger with every photography session, every client milestone, and every life event.
Sometimes you’re just not sure where life might take you.
You might as well just trust your Village.